Irrigation Services
Servicing Ottawa and surrounding areas, Moodie’s Lawn Sprinkler Ltd will design a professional irrigation system, specifically designed for your needs.
We use the best products while ensuring minimal damage to your existing landscape. This includes the watering of your trees, shrubs, lawn, vegetable gardens, flower beds and more.

Installation of
New Sprinklers

Repairs and

Winterizing & Spring

Installation of
Landscape Lights

Installation of Submersible
Water Pumps

Drip Irrigation
Spring Start-up
& Winterizing
Spring Start-up
This includes priming all irrigation lines. We check each sprinkler head and make the necessary adjustment. We check for leaks and ensure your controller is functioning.
In the event there are any problems/issues with your sprinkler system, we will review the mater with you before any repairs are made.
Landscape Lights
and Installation
Landscape Lightening and Garden Lightening are used to highlight your landscape and garden. This includes placing low voltage lights strategically, to illuminate your trees, shrubs, gardens, walkways, and even your flowerbeds. We provide the best products, offering manufacture warrantee and labour for one year.
Moodie’s Lawn Sprinkler
Installation Guarantees
Unique Irrigation
An original and unique irrigation system designed to the types of plants and gardens
Zoned Irrigation
An irrigation system divided in zones according to your available flow rates, and vegetative groupings (for example turf, shrubs, plants,)
Rain Sensor
A rain sensor placed on a stationary structure that is free of any overhead obstruction
Original Design
An original and unique design base on the landscape needs of your property
Backflow Prevention
A Backflow Preventer is a device that is used to allow water to flow in one direction. This device prevents contaminants, such as fertilizer or pesticides, to seep back into your home, through your main water supply.
Automated Irrigation Controller
Automated Irrigation Controller allows you to set the date and time you choose to water your plants or landscape. This device also has the capabilities to add a rain sensor, as well as, the ability to retain its programming in the event of a power failure.
Moodie’s Lawn Sprinkler use the best products the industry has to offer.

Drip Irrigation System
A drip irrigation is one of the most efficient ways to water landscapes.
A drip system allows water to drop slowly to the roots of plants either from above or below a surface. This means less over spraying, less over watering by delivering water at or near the root of the plant, less reduction in water due to wind loss, and no runoffs which means a reduce liability in high traffic areas.
A drip system can be effective in the following areas:
You will save time
You will save water
Your water bill will be lowered depending on the time of day you water your grass or plants.
You will save on money
Your automated sprinkler system will use less water than by watering by hand.
Request a Quote
There are many advantages to have an underground irrigation system. Our professionals have years of experience in designing and installing sprinklers, to be cost effective, yet perfectly suited your landscape. Request a quote today, 613-299-2373.
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